Fine Art Pet Portrait by Artist Donna Aldrich-Fontaine - Norwegian Fiords Horses 2.jpg
For a lot of us, a pet is our best friend. Many people can't imagine their lives without a dog or a cat to share it with. For others, a parrot is their best friend. Some people love their horses or their goats or they have a favorite cow or pig farm animal friend. The kind of animal or its size doesn't matter, what matters is the special bond we develop with the animals we share our lives and homes with that leave us with a lifetime of memories.

I share my life with several animals and like so many of you, can't imagine my life without them. Unfortunately, we often lose them much too soon either through an accident or an illness. But the feelings of sadness and close bond we have never leaves us.

Whether you have just lost a pet or have one that is, to you, "Priceless", I will paint a portrait so that all those wonderful memories will live on forever, every time you look at your animal's portrait.

To show my love and commitment to all animals,  I donate 10% of my profits to local animal charities.